I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at UC Berkeley. I am a co-director of the Center for the Theoretical Foundations of Learning, Inference, Information, Intelligence, Mathematics and Microeconomics at Berkeley (CLIMB) and a member of the Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research (BAIR) Lab and the Theory Group at UC Berkeley.

I work on a broad and versatile set of problems related to machine learning, algorithms, economics, and society. My work contributes to an emerging mathematical foundation for learning and decision-making systems in the presence of economic and societal forces. Important problem settings often addressed by my work include collaborative (and federated) learning, learning in markets and other economics settings, incentive-aware and robust learning, and foundations of machine learning generally. My work has been recognized by a Sloan fellowship (2024), Schmidt Sciences AI2050 award, NSF CAREER (2022), Google Research scholar award (2023), NeurIPS and ICAPS best paper awards, EC exemplary track paper awards, and several other industry awards and fellowships.

Previously, I was an assistant professor in the CS department of Cornell University, in 2019-2020. Prior to that, I was a postdoctoral researcher at Microsoft Research, New England, in 2018-2019. I received my Ph.D. from the Computer Science Department of Carnegie Mellon University, where I was fortunate to be co-advised by Avrim Blum and Ariel Procaccia. My thesis titled Foundation of Machine Learning, by the People, for the People received the CMU School of Computer Science Dissertation Award (2018) and a SIGecom Dissertation Honorable Mention Award (2019).

My CV can be found here.